Dr. Imdadullah Thaheem

Dr. Imdadullah Thaheem
Director ORIC

Ph.D - Energy Science and Engg, South Korea.


My research areas are Environmental Engineering, Materials, and Nanotechnology.


Assistant Professor (02/03/2022-upto date)
Mechanical Engineering Technology Department,The Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology and Skills Development Khairpur Mirs
Assistant Professor (15/04/2020-28-02-2022)
Energy Systems Engineering Department, Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology Khuzdar, Pakistan.
Responsibilities. Head of Department, and taught different subjects such as Thermodynamic, power plant, and manufacturing etc.

Imdadullah Thaheem, K. J. Kim, J. J. Lee, D. W. Joh, I. Jeong, and K. T. Lee*, "High performing Mn1.3Co1.3Cu0.4O4 spinel based composite cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell",Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 19696 (2019). (IF= 12.3)

Imdadullah Thaheem, D. W. Joh, T. Noh, and K. T. Lee*, "Highly conductive and stable Mn1.35Co1.35Cu0.2Y0.1O4 spinel protective coating on commercial ferritic stainless steels for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applications", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 4293 (2019). (IF=5.05)

Imdadullah Thaheem, D. W. Joh, T. Noh, H. -N. Im, K. T. Lee* "Physico-electrochemical properties and long-term stability of Mn1.45-0.5xCo1.45-0.5xCuxY0.1O4 spinel protective coatings on commercial metallic interconnects for solid oxide fuel cells" Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 96, 315, (2021). (IF=6.064)
W. Muhammad *, Z. Bhutto *, A. Ansari, M. L,. Memon, R. Kumar, Imdadullah Thaheem and
S. Ali. “Multi-Path Deep CNN with Residual Inception Network for Single Image Super- Resolution”, Electronics, 10, 1979, 2021.

Imdadullah Thaheem, S. Ali, M. Waqas, A. Hussain, A. M. Soomro, Z. Bhutto, S. A. R. Shah,
W. Muhammad, and J. Shah. “Electrochemical performance of NiCo2O4 spinel cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells" Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, 2100542, 2021.

W. Muhammad *, A. Hussain, J. shah, Z. Bhutto *, Imdadullah Thaheem, S. Ali and S. Mansoor.”SDCN: Synchronized Depthwise Separable Convolutional Neural Network for Single Image Super-Resolution”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, (IJCSNS) Vol 21 issue 11, 17-22, 2021.

Syed Ali Raza Shah, J. Shah, W. Muhammad, Imdadullah Thaheem, Z. Bhutto, A. Hussain, S. Ali, A. Mengal. “Mediating effect of the organizational culture on the relationship between leadership and operational performance in food processing SMEs”, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 1, 91-98, 2022.

S. Ali, M. Waqas, Imdadullah Thaeem, A. Hussain, Z. Bhutto, W. Muhammad, S. A. R. Shah; Kyung Hyun Choi. “Nitrogen enriched mesoporous carbon spheres as efficient anode for long cycle Li/Na ion batteries”, submitted in journal Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science , 2100714, 2022.

D. Kim, Imdadullah Thaheem, H. Yu, J. H. Park, K. T. Lee "Highly Promoted Electrocatalytic Activity of Spinel CoFe2O4 by Combination with Er0.4Bi1.6O3 as a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrode for Reversible Solid Oxide Cells" Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10, 2045, (2022). (IF=12.732)

K. J. Kim#, Imdadullah Thaheem , I. Jeong, H. Yu, J. H. Park, K. T. Lee"Nanostructured spinel Mn1.3Co1.3Cu0.4O4 as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for high-performance solid oxide electrochemical cells at intermediate temperatures" Journal of Power Sources, 539, 231611, (2022). (IF=9.127)

W. Muhammad, A. R. Shah, Z. Bhutto, J. Shah A. Hussain, Imhadullah Thaheem, S. Ali “Deep Transfer Learning CNN based approach for COVID-19 Detection” International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, Accepted