Engr. Kundan Kumar

Engr Kundan Kumar
Assistant Professor (Focal Person)
Computer Engineering Technology


Kundan Kumar is an accomplished electronic engineering professional specializing in Control and Automation. With a Master's degree in Control & Automation from Hamdard University Karachi, he has demonstrated excellence in his academic pursuits.

Passionate about cutting-edge technologies like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Soft Robotics, and Adaptive Control Systems, Kundan has co-authored multiple research papers published in prestigious journals and conferences.

Currently working as an Assistant Professor at The Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology & Skill Development Khairpur Mirs, Kundan has also held additional responsibilities as Acting Director of ORIC and Program Coordinator of the Electronic Department.

His expertise extends to software tools such as MATLAB, SIMATIC MANAGER, LabVIEW, Electronic Workbench, and AutoCAD, along with proficiency in MS Office applications and computer skills.

Kundan's practical experience includes lecturing and serving as a Lab Engineer at Hamdard University Karachi, where he actively contributed to the implementation of Outcome-Based Education systems and supervised student projects.

Driven by a devotion to his field and armed with a strong educational foundation, research contributions, and practical knowledge, Kundan Kumar is poised to make significant advancements in the realm of electronic engineering, particularly in the domain of Control and Automation.


  • Degree
  • From
  • Major
  • Year
  • Ph.D (in progress)
  • M.E
  • Hamdard University, Karachi
  • Control & Automation
  • 2015
  • B.E
  • MUET, Jamshoro
  • Electronics Engineering
  • 2011
    • Co-author of “Designing Smart Sewerbot for the Identification of Sewer Defects and Blockages” published in (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2019. 
    • Co-author of “Implementation of Fruit Grading & Sorting Station using Digital Image Processing Techniques" published in Sir Syed University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (SSURJET).
    • Co-author of Design and development of Electric Speed & Direction Controller for Brushless DC Motor has been accepted in SCONEST 2016, Hamdard University.
    • Author of ‘High-Voltage Transmission Lines Inspection Robot’, has accepted in 4th 2018-International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies-(ICEET), IEEE Technically Sponsored Conference held from February 22-23, 2018 in Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.
    • Co-author of ” Implementation of an Autonomous Path Planning & Obstacle Avoidance UGV Using SLAM” accepted in 4th 2018-International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies-(ICEET), IEEE Technically Sponsored Conference held from February 22-23, 2018 in Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.
    • Co-author of ”Spectral Analysis of Chirp and Sinusoidal signals in Complex Domain” accepted in ELECO 2017,10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE in ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Bursa, TURKEY.
    • Co-author of “Short Circuit Analysis & Over current Relaying Coordination of IEEE 9-Bus System” accepted in 5th International Multi topic ICT Conference (IMTIC) at MUET Jamshoro.
    • Co-author “Prototyping IOT Based Smart Wearable Jacket Design for Securing the life of Coal Miners” accepted at IEEE conference iCCEC 2018 at University of Essex, Southend United Kingdom.