Passing the Torch: A Farewell and Welcome dinner for Vice Chancellors


Passing the Torch: A Farewell and Welcome dinner for Vice Chancellors

The welcome and farewell dinner was arranged at Sindhri restaurant Sukkur in the owner of Professor Dr. Ghulam Rasool Mahar the vice chancellor of BBSUTSD Khairpur Mirs and former Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Noor Ahmed Shaikh respectively. The event was also graced by the first Vice Chancellor of BBSUTSD Khairpur Mirs Professor Engineer Dr. Madad Ali Shah and Guest of the owner Prof. Dr. Abdul Sami Qureshi. The event started with a recitation of the Holy Quran. It was followed by Sindhi Ajrak and topi ceremony and speeches of the Dean faculty of engineering, the First vice chancellor of BBSUTSD Professor Engineer Dr. Madad Ali Shah, Noor Ahmed Shaikh, Prof. Dr. Abdul Sami Qureshi, and Rasool Bux Mahar The current vice chancellor of BBSUTSD. At last, it was dinner and the gathering ended with thanking notes by faculty and officers to the worthy guest.